Serving Ministries

Want to Serve?

There are many teams that support our Wednesday and Sunday services, events and administrative needs. We have highlighted a few here. If you are interested in joining one of these teams, contact the church office.

The Audio-Visual Team is comprised of three groups: the Sound System volunteers ensure that all sound equipment is operational and mixes sound for the house and the TV broadcast to produce a worship service that glorifies our Lord and Savior; the TV Broadcast volunteers man the cameras and capture the video for services; and the Projection Screen volunteers enhance the worship service by projecting announcements, sermon outlines, and song lyrics.

The Welcome Team includes the Golf Cart volunteers who serve as transportation to and from the parking areas, including pick up from Brasstown Manor. The Welcome Desk & Greeter volunteers who serve as the first contact at our Sunday morning worship service, greeting all who enter our doors with a smile and kind word. The First Touch volunteers serve as the first contact for guests in our local area after our Sunday services. They can answer questions about our church and community.

Our Building and Grounds volunteers lend their experience and expertise to ensure that the buildings and grounds are maintained in aesthetic, safe, cost-effective and efficient manner.

Our Library offers a variety of Christian-based books, Bible Studies, references and resources for your reading pleasure and education. Volunteers staff the Media Center on Sundays, before and after the service and on Wednesday mornings.


The Deacon Family Ministry is designed to minister to the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of our church members and their families. Our goal is to be an extension of our Pastor’s ministry by touching the lives of others in a way that shows Jesus’ love for them.

Each deacon is paired with several families and reaches out to be a trusted resource to them. Our deacons spend time in each deacons meeting praying for the needs of their “families” and rejoicing as God fulfills those needs. How can your deacon help you? Although that is a question that only you can answer, here are some of the ways that our deacons want to try to help.

  • Being a good listener
  • Being a friend and encourager who demonstrates his love for you
  • Praying for you and with you
  • Providing support in a time of crisis
  • Discussing questions about your faith and walk with Christ
  • Discussing questions about McConnell Memorial Baptist Church
  • Assisting you in finding ways to serve the church
  • Connecting you to other church members
  • Rejoicing as you and your family share important achievements
But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8