
How to join?

If you have been attending McConnell for awhile or have recently moved to the area and have decided that this is where God is leading you, we rejoice in your decision! Jesus wants the world to know who belongs to Him and publicly identifying with a local church accomplishes that. Becoming a member is more of a reflection that you are making a commitment to know God and to be a partner with us to accomplish the work that God is doing through McConnell

1 Corinthians 12:18 tells us that God places each member in the body just as He desires. That verse gives each of us as members of this local body a real sense of purpose. When you think about it, your being here isn’t just by chance. God Himself has placed you here to help accomplish His kingdom purposes through this church.

Our purpose is to carry out the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20. We want to reach our world for Christ and see believers develop into mature followers of Christ. We hope that is your heart as well.

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So, how, you may ask, do I join this Church?


For one who has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and desires to obey Christ by being baptized by immersion.


For one who has been saved and is a member of a church from another denomination and has never been baptized by immersion.


For one who is saved, has been baptized by immersion after being saved and is a member in good standing of another Baptist church.


For one who has been saved and baptized by immersion after being saved, but is not a member of another Baptist church.


For one who is a member of a church of like faith, yet wants to be more involved with our church family while they are living in our community without transferring their current church membership (i.e. seasonal residents, college students).

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