June 3rd 2018, Passed Over, Lord’s Supper

Pastor Steve TaylorLife Groups

Passed Over
Small Group Guide
Lord’s Supper 6/3/18

WARM UP:Have you ever been passed over? For a promotion? For a raise?

Being passed over is not always a bad thing… we just don’t realize it until later.  Being passed over can be painful at the time. We’ve all been there and if we live long enough it’s going to happen more than once. In hindsight, there are times when we come to the realization that being passed over was actually the best thing that could have happened to us.

Thankfully, God sees what we often fail to see. The thing that we thought we wanted might have end up actually costing us more than we would have wanted to pay in time, freedom, and money. And, in the case of the Passover, being passed over was the best thing that could have happened to the Israelites.

·      List 5 of the 10 plagues.
·      Give two reasons why Israel needed to see God’s power exhibited at this point in history.
·      What is the significance of the name Yahweh?
·      How do we know that Passover is a very significant event?
·      What relationship exists between the Passover and Jesus?

Bible Study Section: Ex. 12:24–27
1.     Which of God’s acts for you would you want to celebrate annually?
2.    How did the judgments on Egypt affected various peoples. READ:
·      Deuteronomy 4:34; 7:19;
·      Joshua 24:5;
·      1 Samuel 4:8;
·      Psalms 78:43–51; 135:8–9;
·     Jeremiah 32:21.
3.     Read Exodus 6:2–3, 6–8.  God was speaking to Israel about deliverance from slavery. What would God be speaking about in your life? Where do you need to know deliverance?”
4.     God instructed the Israelites to observe the Passover each year in order that they would remember who God is and what He had done in their lives.
·     If you could go back and relive a time when God spoke powerfully to you, when would it be?
·     If you could revisit a place where you experienced God in a special way, what would it be?

From the Message (Ex. 11:4-13, 29):
1.    Pastor Steve asked, “I’ve got good news and bad news, which do you want to hear first?”Most people want to hear the bad news first. Why?
What was the bad news of the 10thjudgment? What was the good news?
2.    What provision did God provide for the children of Israel to escape the judgment? How much faith did it take to put the lamb’s blood on the entrance to their houses?
3.    Why was the lamb’s blood a sign for the people and not a sign for God?
4.    What struck you the most from this morning’s message? Why that?
5.    What challenged you the most? What changes do you plan on making as a result?

Think About It:The purpose of Passover is not a one-time celebration but a provision for the future (hope). Just as Passover is not just an event, and it is not just for one night. Communion is not just a reminder of what God has done but of what he continues to do. In fact, it is not just an act of remembering; it is an act of keeping watch.


  • Relationship with God is a life or death issue:Heb. 9:22
  • Release from the death penalty is accomplished by sacrifice. Lev. 17:11
  • Because of the blood of the Lamb of God, we are passed over and saved.John 1:29 (NIV)
  • Salvation is just the beginning of your journey.
  • Keep your bags packed and ready. It is the Lord’s Supper that we remember, not the Last Supper.